So.. You want to improve your skills.. It’s simple.. Move forward!
If you will go back to your old bad habits, your efficiency is… well .. approaching zero..
Push yourself! Motivate yourself! Bring on your close ones to help you in this challenge of yours!
Make a plan and stick to it. Sounds easy, but sometimes you feel like skipping a day from it, or even two. Not good..
I can’t give you a personal example, to be honest. I am in the same boat as you are. I am struggling to stick to the plan. Oh boy, oh boy.. Quite a challenge there!
I want to go to gym, to have a good fitness level. But.. When I think of those first days, with pain everywhere.. Uh.. I slip.. Even though I know that most probably, after the first week it’s all good and the pain is gone.
I try to motivate myself.. I have just downloaded an app for my phone to do just that: MOTIVATE.
I need to start these days, otherwise I will be in that sad category of people.. The ones that break down and don’t stick with the plans..
Perhaps the social pressure will drive my pain away. If you read this, then you are part of it. Your pressure might be what pushes me to start.. Who knows..
To summarise:
– on the 12th of April I will have the first painful day in the gym.
– You are part of my journey!
– In the evening I will be posting my gym experience..
– Then, you will play the most important role: the social pressure!
– And then.. we will see how it goes.. Either an exciting and great success, either a total failure.
Your next steps:
mark 12th of April in your agenda. Follow up with the blog during evening time(GMT+4 is my time). And then put pressure! Give encouragements! Give tips and tricks! Bring it ON!
Help a pal here: like and share! The more, the merrier!
PS: Thank you in advance! Hope it all goes well 😀 at least I stay positive about it 😀
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2nd week back at gym, Zumba 3 times… Sore but going. 4 days in a row, Sat to Tuesday I have classes. Dancing and my friends who are so happy to see me come back.