And here are some great results!

Color for a Black and White Day

It’s kind of amazing this law.. Surprisingly accurate and surprisingly fulfilling. And the best part is that everything starts with a thought. Simple as that.

Today I want to share with you more results of mine.

I am truly grateful for my job. It started also with a thought. I applied for it online.  I received an invitation for an assessment day. All worked well and I had an amazing time during the interview day! What came next for me until I got the answer: I was seeing myself in this nice country (UAE), walking on the streets, shopping for food or clothes or shoes (in Dubai!), having a great time and learning new things in the training academy. All the time I was visualising.. And you could only hear me talking about this. I was sure I will live this experience. No single drop of doubt in my mind!

And guess what?? It all paid off! I am living it!


For a few months I wanted to get promoted from economy class to business class. But I wasn’t feeling ready for it.. So no promotion.. This month though, I was!

Guess who‘s having the training by the end of October?? Meee 😀 soo happy! A little hint here: when the thought isn’t aligned with your feelings (having a tiny bit of doubt) .. It might not work.. Try to align these 2 key factors!


After I started this blog in English I felt a little bit constrained by my language abilities.. So my thought was that I want to improve my English communication.. Maybe a book, maybe a course, maybe some help from somebody.. Anything that might help..

Guess what?? During my last vacation I looked on For those who are unfamiliar with this website, it is an amazing tool for building up new skills or to enhance the ones that you have. So, I typed in the search area: writing. The first result : ” Crafting an Effective Writer: Tools of the Trade”. It was starting on 21st September! Perfect! I enrolled immediately! 🙂 just on time with my thoughts!


As you can see, these 3 events have a common part: the thought from which they started.

What are your thoughts right now? Please share with us the ideas that you have! You can email me back later and in a different article, I will write your results! The more the merrier! Actually that’s a great idea 😉 it just came to me now while I was writing it! The power of example is extremely valuable! Like this, even more people will live their dreams!

So let’s start sharing!

Big hugs!

By: Ana Caragea

8,382 total views, 3 views today

About the author

Ana Caragea Positivity, calmness, passion, kindness and dedicated in helping other.. just a few of my core values. My life statement is: "I am the SHIFTER that initiates a positive transformation." And that's why I believe that Happiness is a Choice! Positive thinking is the easiest way to get where you want, when you want, with the people that you want!


  1. Hi Ana! I was so touched by this new article. I perfectly understand what you mean because “I was there”. The Law of Attraction works for me too. If I think back all thinks that I accomplished in my life were obtained because of using the law of attraction. It is absolutely amazing.
    The way you described how you got that job position is unbelievable if one doesn’t understand how this laws works. But if you believe in it, it makes sense. You live and work in a country that most of the people don’t even realize is on the world map. I may have some misconceptions but when I heard you live there I said “Wow!” I don’t know any Romanian working or living in Dubai. You are unique!
    I liked how you said you visualized yourself living there without any doubts. I did the same thing when I obtained a school psychologist position in the States where I always thought is hard to get that. I got the position only when I “saw” myself doing that and daring to think about that. This happened because I register for MIB, an online course in Romania. I can explain this but I “new” after the course I will get rid of all limitations that I had only in my mind.
    Ana, thank you for sharing this information with us and also for I still need to work on becoming more proficient in English.
    This is a great article!
    Have a wonderful day and safety flights at Business class!
    Adriana Wingard

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