Are you up for a challenge?


A few days ago I saw a post on facebook about some websites where you can see good documentaries. As I like this type of movies, I’ve bookmarked the address. Today I was in the mood for some documentaries, so I’ve clicked the link that I’ve saved.

There were quite a few that I’ve seen already.. But the one that got my attention was The Opus. It was the first time I heard this title.. The description was mentioning the Law of Attraction.. so I said.. OK, I’ll give it a go.. Nothing to lose..

One hour later, I knew I’ve made a good call. Now I’m writing to you, so you can also benefit from it.

It was the movie or, better said, the kick that I needed.

In 2 days we are marking the jump into a brand new year. And, as we do that, we tend to make plans, to create a resolution (or even more than one) for this new year. 

To eat better, to go to the gym more, to be more generous, to smile more, to quit smoking, to find a new job, etc etc..

But honestly, do we respect these resolutions? Are we fully committed to them?

Well, in my case, every year I say I will start going to the gym, but… something always comes up.. and I don’t even buy a subscription.. 

Is that your case too?

This Opus movie got me thinking.. 

What I’ve learnt from it is that I need to have a Vision, to make a Plan and then to ACT.

Sounds simple? It does, right?

What I’ve noticed on myself, I tend to delay putting it on a piece of paper. And it does lose it’s power.. Because on the first days I’m enthusiastic about it, I am thinking of doing it the next day, but when the next day comes… ups… I don’t do it..

I am taking now a commitment of putting my vision and my plan on a piece of paper. I will monitor it and have clear deadlines of what I want to achieve this year. And the most important: I will take action!

There is no perfect time. The time is NOW. You need to move forward.

Take an inspired action – the one that comes from within.

What gets you through it? It’s your passion, it’s your commitment, it’s your excitement.

These are just a few phrases from the movie that got stuck in my head..

I’m telling you, it was the right movie, at the right time! The timing was perfect!

I am taking now a pencil and a piece of paper! I will put down everything that I want to have and achieve in 2014. With timelines. I will take a picture with today’s date and when the time comes, I will show it to you so we can see the results!

Now I dare you! Your turn to take a pencil and a piece of paper!

It’s more fun when we do this together! We can support and encourage each other on the way!

2014 it’s going to be an AMAZING year!

PS: write down in the comment section bellow if you’re entering this challenge! Or even to say if you liked my post 🙂

PPS: Dare to dream BIG!

By: Ana Caragea

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About the author

Ana Caragea Positivity, calmness, passion, kindness and dedicated in helping other.. just a few of my core values. My life statement is: "I am the SHIFTER that initiates a positive transformation." And that's why I believe that Happiness is a Choice! Positive thinking is the easiest way to get where you want, when you want, with the people that you want!


  1. Hi. I just wanted to say I did sit down quietly and write myself a letter and then uploaded to my blog. I just said I everything I hope to happen in the year 2014. In my case, I said I would be committed to everything I said in that letter. I might tell someone at the the end of this year.

    It was a good idea to get out a pencil and a paper. 🙂 I am benefit a lot from this site.

  2. Ana, I have done the same thing, making a goal and not sticking to it. I also have been writing down my goals and making a plan! I am pleased to say December went well and I achieved my goal, taking time to look myself in the mirror and remind myself I am worthy! My hair and make up gets done every day because it makes me look at myself and learn to like who I see! January I made a plan to get to work without being late or in a rush as this makes my day start stressful! This too I accomplished! Now we are in February and my goal is to get my life and home organized! Not real easy to do since I split my week between two homes! But by march 9 my life will be organized or at least on the road to it! Thank you for this site! I hope you know how much I appreciate it!

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